Woodinville Country Day School offers a Preschool Program that has been designed to foster the love of learning in every child.
We use a play-based, thematic curriculum that allows for discovery, curiosity, and hands-on experience.
We provide a school experience where children learn by doing and where the environment and curriculum are in tune with the personal characteristics of each student.
Pre-K Bees & Bunnies
Our PreK program meets on 4 consecutive days each week. The PreK class is designed for kids who are entering Kindergarten the following Fall. PreK classes meet either Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 9:00-12:30 OR Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday from 9:30-1:00. We also have a PM option that meets Monday through Thursday from 1:00–3:30. The curriculum is designed to further encourage learning through discovery and play.
We take advantage of the 4/5-year-old’s ability to verbalize and conceptualize and our curriculum reflects this growth.
Our thematic curriculum changes weekly and the group time dives deeper, allowing for more questions and answers to arise.
We master letter recognition, counting, and letter sounds in preparation for Kindergarten. We have adopted a Zoophonics curriculum that connects letters and sounds with an animal friend who visits the class each week.
We continue to foster children’s social and emotional development, encouraging independence and self-control, and confidence. Students in PreK have sharing each week! We encourage a love of learning in order to create lifelong learners.
Students learn to discover by asking question and figuring out the answers together! PreK dives into themes and the students learn about themselves, their community, and the world around them.
Science is the process of learning through exploration! Our circle time guides students through this process by asking questions and using each other as resources to find the answers. Science is embedded in our day from the moment they walk in the classroom.
We get the kids ready for Kindergarten! Our theme-based curriculum uses literature and hands-on activities to learn math, letter and sound recognition, and writing!
Free Choice
Every morning when the students arrive, there will be a number of centers set up. They are specifically chosen for the age of the students and the theme of the week. The centers include the sensory tub, painting on the easel, the kitchen, building blocks, a train table, puzzles, games, and an art center.
Circle Time
This is the time when the entire class meets together to learn about our theme of the week through literature, music, movement, and drama. The class will have many routines for each circle time, including calendar, counting, letter recognition, stories, and singing.
Children learn the important skill of cooperating with others. They take turns, participate in group times and activities, and work with others. Students have more in-depth group times that model what their Elementary learning will look like!
Preschool 4's Frogs
The 4’s class is designed for students who are turning 4 during the academic school year. The options for the 4’s class are mornings Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday from 9:00-12:30 OR afternoons Monday - Thursday 1:15-3:45. We encourage learning through play with a consistent routine that allows students to thrive. We build on the 3/4 year olds verbal skills and work with both fine motor and large motor play. Our thematic curriculum changes weekly and we have multiple group times to practice cooperation, sharing, and taking turns.
We introduce letters and focus on the first letter of our name, and we also do lots of counting. We continue to foster children’s social and emotional development, encouraging independence and self-control, and confidence.
This is the ideal class to prepare your students who have turned three but aren’t entering kindergarten for another year.
Students learn to discover by asking question and figuring out the answers together! PreK dives into themes and the students learn about themselves, their community, and the world around them.
Science is the process of learning through exploration! Our circle time guides students through this process by asking questions and using each other as resources to find the answers. Science is embedded in our day from the moment they walk in the classroom.
We get the kids ready for Kindergarten! Our theme-based curriculum uses literature and hands-on activities to learn math, letter and sound recognition, and writing!
Free Choice
Every morning when the students arrive, there will be a number of centers set up. They are specifically chosen for the age of the students and the theme of the week. The centers include the sensory tub, painting on the easel, the kitchen, building blocks, a train table, puzzles, games, and an art center.
Circle Time
This is the time when the entire class meets together to learn about our theme of the week through literature, music, movement, and drama. The class will have many routines for each circle time, including calendar, counting, letter recognition, stories, and singing.
Children learn the important skill of cooperating with others. They take turns, participate in group times and activities, and work with others. Students have more in-depth group times that model what their Elementary learning will look like!
Preschool 3's Turtles
This class is meant for students who are at least 30 months old and are turning 3 during the academic school year. We offer 2 choices for our 3-year old class. The options are Monday and Tuesday mornings, from 9:00–12:30, OR Monday and Tuesday afternoons, 1:15-3:45. Children are NOT required to be potty trained, however, we do encourage them to be potty “training”. The primary goal of the 3’s class is socialization, following directions, and fostering friendships in a school setting. The thematic-based curriculum promotes active learning. We place a strong influence on socialization skills and exploring the world through art, music, and literature. Using the developmentally appropriate curriculum,
we guide each 3-year old toward a strong foundation for later academics.
Love of Learning
One of the most important skills for children is the desire to learn and love the process of learning. Students are a sponge and we want their first school experience to be happy and successful!
Circle Time
We gather on the circle time rug twice each day to sing, dance, and read stories. Children learn to listen, ask questions, and participate in our daily routines! The first group time is focused on music and movement. The 2nd group time focuses on literature and science and is a direct compliment to our weekly theme!
Children learn the important skill of cooperating with others. They take turns, participate in group times and activities, and work with others.
Share Time
This is your child’s first experience with public speaking! Each week, the students have a specific “sharing day” where they bring in an item from home to share with the class. The students then get to choose whether their classmates want to touch their sharing with one finger or look with their eyes!
At WCDS we provide a plethora of activities and learning centers and we allow students to use their imagination and own creative
thinking to learn.
Students learn to discover by asking questions and figuring out the answers together!